
Happiness is…

I won my first “bloggy award”!!!  (Fireworks, Horns, Hoots, Confetti!!!!!!)

Bloggy Awards are little awards that bloggers pass on to one another to boost morale, show support, say thanks.

I received the Happiness 101 Award from a blogger that happens to make me very

And They Lived Blogging Ever After...

happy whenever I read one of her current post on  BloggingEverAfter.

Click the name to see one of my favorite BloggingEverAfter Posts.  (Bookmark it for later, if you don’t have time to read it now.)

Ok, part of getting the award is passing it on to another blog (see bottom of post. I’ll be awarding one a day for 3 days) AND sharing 10 things that make me happy.

First, TEN THINGS THAT MAKE GLORIS HAPPY (the music builds…)

I’ll share a few each day, starting with (drums rolling…)


It wasn’t always that way, of course.  God hasn’t always been at the top of my happiness list, and I’m praying that it will be more and more that way every day.

Here’s BETH MOORE, author/Bible teacher, encouraging us from Psalm 63 to love God.  ( :)Beth Moore makes me happy, so that’s my #2 )

Doing her Bible studies is a faith shot directly into my heart!  Here’s one of my favorites:

🙂 BELIEVING GOD is another happy thing for me, so it’s #3.

Click on the pic to see about signing up for the it online version if you’re interested.  It’s great to do online studies in the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas, even.  They’re so convenient.

Ok, Let’s pray that God will be “ours”, like Beth Moore suggested:

:)prayer makes me happy, so that’s #4.

love you, Oh, Lord my strength.  You are my Rock, my Fortress, and My Deliverer.  You are my God, Rock in whom I can take refuge; my Stronghold.  I can call to you and be saved from my enemies (Psalm 18:1-2), from my powerful enemies who are too strong for me. (i.e. Satan and his cohorts)

Oh, Father in Heaven, You are love! (1John 4:8), and you love me more than I could ever love myself.  Show me how deep and wide, how high and deep your love is for me.  I want to be rooted and grounded in that love. (Ephesians 3:17-18)

And I want to believe with all my heart that it’s true, that, in fact,  you do love me.

Increase my faith!

In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)

( 🙂 Now that’s a happy verse! # 5 )

And the receiver of the first Happy 101 Award from Gloriadelia is … envelope, please… MutteringsfromtheMoor!

Click on the blog name to see the first post of “Mrs. Mutterer’s” that I read.  It about a little wooly lamb named, Annie, that grabbed my heart and made me very happy. (:) #6) The blog is “mutterings” from the moors of England.

Check back in tomorrow for other Happy things and Award #2!